One team of scientists (even though they are theoreticians) who are always open to challenges carried out a calculation that determined that if all the money circulating right now in the world were to be collected and divided equally among all the people living on Earth, after some time the majority of people would be left with the same amount of money (or even less) that they had before the compulsory equal distribution.
Truth be told, the results and conclusions of this theory state that the time needed to return to the previous state (amount of money) varies from 1.5 to 2.5 years; yet the point is that the mere existence of such a possibility gives one food for thought.
It is likely that the ignoramus will waste the money, the gambler will gamble away the money, the coward will lose the money, the scatterbrain will fail to keep the money, etc.
We can conclude that it is not so important how much money we get but how much we have. And we have (we preserve, to be more precise) as much as we can keep.
Thus, it is not the economic crisis but our own inability to keep the money or our inappropriate habits that serve as an impulse for our possible individual financial crisis.
Mark Twain once said that a banker is a person who lends us an umbrella when the sun is shining and takes it away precisely at that moment when the rain starts pouring down. By the way, how does your bank act when the imaginary crisis affects it one way or another? It is a great opportunity to get to know it anew.
Manage your money yourself regardless of whether it is successful or not! It is the only way you will be less dependent on them.