The amount of money in the world has not changed. Respectively, the amount of money for one person has not changed as well.
While some are panicking, others are counting money, and doing it very quickly. For an enterprising person this situation is the luckiest moment in his life. Napoleon said that every victory is planned carefully. That's why we must learn the strategies of the people who are now riding the gravy train.
In the movie Wall Street it was very well observed that money does not simply vanish and does not appear out of nowhere. Money is like water; it flows from one jug into another. All we need is more money flowing into our jug and less - out of it. If you want to change your attitude towards the world - read lacocca: An Autobiography, a book written by Lee lacocca, and you will understand that your problems are not so big after all. Brian Tracy and Napoleon Hill said: "Think like a millionaire and you will become one".
A story about a Frenchman in America
One Frenchman moved to America and opened a wine business. The company developed rapidly and became quite famous. In honour of the company's 25th birthday he organised a big party where a lot of guests and journalists were gathered. One representative of the press enquired: "You set up your business during the world crisis. And during the time of depression, you continued to grow. What is your secret?" "You will laugh if I tell you", the Frenchman answered. "When I moved to America, my English was so poor that I couldn't read the newspapers. I didn't know anything about a crisis."