The best time to invest in something is just before the market closes, because precisely at that time the best prices are offered. An hour before lunch – smaller queues and the best service. It's very rare to see traffic jams at 5 o'clock in the morning. Automobile and apartment rental prices are lowest when demand is low.
To act contrary to the market is much more prudent. Now is the right time for this. If a bank had started saving money from deposits instead of giving out credit 3 years prior to the crisis, now they would have had more profit. Or they could start giving out credits on the same terms, but with equity that is three or five times higher.
At the time everybody was buying apartments was the time to sell them, and now is the right time to buy them. Moreover, by spending money today or investing it in yourself (i.e., the most valuable investment) you support the market and all the money will eventually return to you. Those who hold their money in stockings will not increase their income because such businessmen are obsessed with thoughts of crisis. And those who continue spending their riches have no other choice than to start earning more.
The founders of Google developed their project without having any thoughts about a source of income, and by changing the traditions they conquered the market. Microsoft started advertising the first Windows without even having made them. And YouTube didn't have any income until it was sold to Google. They all acted contrary to what is accepted on the market.
Therefore, think of a way to act contrary to the market and realise that!